Home to School / College Travel Assistance
Information for Children & Young People
I have an EHCP. Am I automatically entitled to free Home to School / College Travel Assistance?
No. If you meet the Local Authority’s criteria (set out here), then you may be entitled to support with Home to School / College Travel Assistance, but you will still need to make a request for it.
How do I request Home to School / College Travel Assistance?
If I am given Home to School / College Travel Assistance, how long does this last for?
Home to School / College Travel Assistance is agreed for one academic year at a time. This means that you will need to make a request each year if it is still needed.
You will need to give evidence of why you feel it is needed and the Local Authority will decide whether they agree or not.
However if you move home move to a different school/college then you will need to submit a new application
I disagree with a decision that’s been made about Home to School / College Travel Assistance, is there anything I can do?
If you disagree with a decision made about Home to School / College Travel Assistance, you can make an appeal. Details of how to appeal can be found here.
Make an Enquiry
If you would like any further information or support please get in touch.
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