Refuge run the National Domestic Abuse Helpline, which provides free, confidential support and information for any women experiencing abuse from a partner, ex-partner or family member. They have recently launched a British Sign Language interpretation service, to allow Deaf women to communicate with our expert Helpline Advisers through qualified BSL interpreters.
The British Sign Language service is open Monday – Friday from 10.00am – 6.00pm. Here you will find a BSL video about the service and how to use it safely. Users can click on the button to connect with an interpreter via a video call, who will then connect her with the Helpline.
Refuge was delighted to work in partnership with SignHealth’s specialist domestic abuse team in shaping this service; they helped develop resources and delivered training for Refuge’s Helpline advisors, to support them in understanding the unique needs of callers who may come through on the BSL service.